AP, IB, and College Microeconomic and Macroeconomic Principles 

AP Macroeconomics CED Alignment

AP Macroeconomics CED Alignment

Just prior to the summer of 2019, the College Board came out with a new detailed course exam description (CED) for AP macroeconomics. Below you will find the alignment of resources to assist teachers in aligning their lesson plans to the new CED.

If you are a teacher looking for practice sets and worksheets for your students, check out the editable Google Docs worksheets for AP Micro and AP Macro and support!

1. Basic Economics Concepts

Macro Topic 1.1 Scarcity
 – “What is Economics?” content review
 – Scarcity video

Macro Topic 1.2 Opportunity Cost and the Production Possibilities Curve
 – “What is Opportunity cost” content review
 – “Production Possibilities Curve” content review
 – Production Possibilities video
 – Opportunity Cost Calculations game – click on “Opportunity Cost” start button
 – Productions Possibilities game
 – PPC Graph drawing practice

Macro Topic 1.3: Comparative Advantage and Gains from Trade
 – “Comparative Advantage Simplified” content review
 – Comparative Advantage video
 – Comparative Advantage game

Macro Topic 1.4/1.5 Demand and Supply
 – “4 keys to Supply and Demand” content review
 – Demand video
 – Supply video
 – Changes in Supply and Demand game
 – Determinants of Supply and Demand sorting game

Macro Topic 1.6 Market Equilibrium, Disequilibrium, and Changes in Equilibrium
 – “Market Equilibrium” content review
 – Market Equilibrium video
 – Shifting Markets game
 – Supply and Demand Graph drawing practice

Unit 1 Flashcards
Unit 1 Multiple choice Practice
Unit 1 Total Review Video

2. Economic Indicators and the Business Cycle

Macro Topic 2.1/2.2 The Circular Flow, GDP, and Limitations of GDP
 – “The Circular Flow Model Explained” content review
 – GDP and the Circular Flow video
 – “6 Things to Know about Gross Domestic Product” content review
 – Circular Flow Review game
 – GDP Components Identification game

Macro Topic 2.3 Unemployment
 – “6 Questions about Unemployment” content review
 – Unemployment and Other Labor Force Statistics video
 – Types of Unemployment Sorting game
 – Labor Force Calucation game

Macro Topic 2.4/2.5/2.6 Price Indices and Inflation, Costs of Inflation, and Real v. Nominal GDP
 – “The CPI and the GDP Deflator Explained” content review
 – “4 Things to Know about the Fisher Formula” content review – also covers 4.2
 – CPI and Costs of Inflation video
 – GDP Deflator video
 – Deflator and CPI Calculations game
 – Fisher Formula Calculations game – also covers 4.2

Macro Topic 2.7 Business Cycles
 – “Business Cycle and Macroeconomics Goals” content review
 – Business Cyles of Market Economies video
 – Business Cycle Labeling game

Unit 2 Flashcards
Unit 2 Multiple choice Practice
Unit 2 Total Review Video

3. National Income and Price Determination

Macro Topic 3.1 Aggregate Demand
– “4 Key Questions of AD” content review
– Aggregate Demand video
– AD, SRAS, and LRAS Shifts game – also covers 3.3/3.4

Macro Topic 3.2 Multipliers
 – “Marginal Propensities and Multipliers” content review
 – Spending and Tax Multipliers video
 – Propensities and Multipliers game

Macro Topic 3.3/3.4 AD, SRAS, & LRAS, 
– “4 Key Questions of Aggregate Supply” content review
– SRAS and LRAS video
– AD, SRAS, and LRAS Shifts game – also covers 3.2

Macro Topic 3.5/3.6 Equilibrium in the AS/AD Model, Changes in the AD-AS Model
 – “Mastering the AS-AD Model” content review 
 – AS/AD Equilibrium and Changes video
 – AS/AD Model game
 – AS/AD Graph drawing practice – also includes 3.7

Macro Topic 3.7 Long-Run Self Adjustment
 – “Navigating Long-run Adjustment of AS-AD” content review
 – Long-run Adjustment of AS/AD video
 – AS/AD Graph drawing practice – also includes 3.5/3.6

Macro Topic 3.8/3.9 Fiscal Policy and Stabilizers
 – “What is Fiscal Policy?” content review
 – Fiscal Policy and Automatic Stabilizers video
 – Monetary and Fiscal Policy Sort game – click on “Fiscal Policy”

Unit 3 Flashcards
Unit 3 Multiple Choice Practice
Unit 3 Total Review Video

4. Financial Sector

Macro Topic 4.1 Financial Assets
 – “3 Things to Know About Financial Assets Before Test Day” content review
 – “How are Bond Prices and Interest Rates Related?” Video

Macro Topic 4.2 Nominal v. Real Interest Rates
 – “4 Things to Know about the Fisher Formula” content review – also covers 2.5
 – “Everything you need to know about the Fisher Formula” Video
 – Fisher Formula Calculations game – also covers 2.5

Macro Topic 4.3 Definition, Measure, and Functions of Money
 – “6 Keys to Understanding, What is Money?” content review – also covers 5.3
 – “What is money” Video

Macro Topic 4.4 Banking and the Expansion of the Money Supply
 – “What to Know about Bank Balance Sheets” content review
 – “8 Questions about Monetary Policy Answered” content review – also covers 4.6
 – “Bank Balance Sheets Made Easy” Video
 – “The Money Multiplier” Video
 – Bank Balance Sheet game
 – Money Multiplier game

Macro Topic 4.5 The Money Market
 – “4 Keys to the Money Market Graph” content review
 – Money Market Video
 – Money Market game
 – Money Market graph drawing practice

Macro Topic 4.6 Monetary Policy
 – “8 Questions about Monetary Policy Answered” content review
 – Montery Policy of Ample and Scarce Reserves video
 – Ample Reserves Market game
 – Monetary and Fiscal Policy Sort game – click on “Monetary Policy”
 – Reserves Market graph drawing practice

Macro Topic 4.7 The Loanable Funds Market
 – “What to Know About Loanable Funds by Test Day” content review – also covers 5.5
 – Loanable Funds video
 – Loanable Funds Market game
 – Loanable Funds Graph drawing practice

Unit 4 Flashcards
Unit 4 Multiple Choice Practice
Unit 4 Total Review Video

5. Long Run Consequences of Stabilization Policies

Macro Topic 5.1 Fiscal and Monetary Policy Actions in the Short Run
 – “How does Monetary and Fiscal Policy Interact in the short run?” content review
 – Policy Interactions video
 – Fiscal and Monetary policy Sorting game

Macro Topic 5.2 The Phillips Curve
 – “3 Keys to the Phillips Curve Model” content review
 – Phillips Curve video
 – Phillips Curve game
 – Phillips Curve Graph drawing practice

Macro Topic 5.3 Money Growth and Inflation
 – “The Quantity Theory of Money” content review
 – “MV=PQ” Video
 – Quantity Theory of Money Calculations game

Macro Topic 5.4 and 5.5 Government Deficits, the National Debt and Crowding Out
 – “Deficit, Debt, and Crowding Out” content review
 – Deficits and Crowding Out video

Macro Topic 5.6/5.7 Economics Growth and Public Policy & Economic Growth
 – What Does it Take For an Economy to Grow?” content review
 – Growth and Growth Policy video

Unit 5 Flashcards
Unit 5 Multiple Choice Practice
Unit 5 Total Review Video

6. Open Economy - International Trade and Finance

Macro Topic 6.1/6.6 Balance of Payments Accounts & Real Interest Rates and International Capital Flows
 – “7 Keys to the Balance of Payments” content review
 – Balance of Payments video
 – Balance of Payments game

Macro Topic 6.2/6.3 Exchange Rates and The Foreign Exchange Market 
 – “How to Understand the Foreign Exchange Graph” content review
 – Foreign Exchange Markets and Rates video

Macro Topic 6.4 Effect of Changes in Policies and Economic Conditions on the Foreign Exchange Market
 – “Fiscal and Monetary Impacts on Foreign Exchange Markets” content review
 – “How Do Government Policies Impact Exchange Rates?” Video
 – Foreign Exchange Market game
 – Foreign Exchange Graph drawing practice

Macro Topic 6.5 Changes in the Foreign Exchange Market and Net Exports
 – “How Do Exchange Rates Impact Net Exports?” content review
 – “Exchange Rates and Net Exports?” Video

Macro Topic 6.6 ForEx, Xn & Capital Flows
 – “How Do Financial Captial Flows impact Exchange Rates and Interest Rates?” content review
 – “Foreign Exchange Markets and Captial Inflows and Outflows” – Video

Unit 6 Flashcards
Unit 6 Multiple Choice Practice
Unit 6 Total Review Video 

General Overview of Entire Course